Matthew N. Hannah

About the Instructor

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Matthew N. Hannah is an Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at Purdue University, in the School of Information Studies. He received his PhD in English at the University of Oregon and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Iowa’s Obermann Center for Advanced Studies. He teaches digital humanities and media studies at Purdue University, and his research focuses on conspiracy theories, information literacy, bibliometrics, and critical infrastructure studies.

Photograph of the Instructor

His research has or will appear in Debates in the Digital Humanities, portal, Social Media and Society, First Monday, The Journal of Magazine Media, and more. His current book project analyzes the rise of what he calls the “information dark age.” Working with other faculty and students at Purdue, he is co-directing a project as part of the Diplomacy Lab, a collaboration between the Purdue Policy Research Institute and US Department of State. Titled “Strategies for Identifying Mis-/Disinformation,” this project focuses on mentorshing student teams as they develop tools and workflows for assessing information online. Read more here.

He designed an currently manages the first graduate certificate offered by the School of Information Studies, which offers students training in the field of digital humanities, and he helped launch an undergraduate certificate in the College of Liberal Arts. Read more about these certificates here.

When he is not working, Matt enjoys traveling to new places, trying new foods, and being outdoors.